Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pot List (AKA Bucket List) 2010 -2011

Originality posted at AdamSooley.ca on 2010-11-12

Pot List update: See below for the items in italics of what I have done. Yay me!!!!

I thought I would do a bucket list and see what I can mark off of that list over the rest of my life. Since it seems, lots of people have bucket lists, some write them down others remember them in their head. When I was thinking of what I could place on this list, not a lot of things come to mind (guess I done it all). It seems most bucket lists have 100+ items on them and that seemed like a lot to me to add to a bucket list. So I have decided to create a POT list.
Now you may be wondering what a pot list is. Well a pot list is a smaller bucket list. It will include only 10 things that I would like to accomplish of the next year, instead of 100+ things over a life time. My thoughts, ambitions, and dreams always change, so why create a list of things to do over a lifetime when I can create a list of things for each year to complete.
So here it goes with my list for this year:
  1. Get a new Tattoo
  2. Travel down east -  Done this, but it was on a bit of a somber note. 
  3. Travel Down South  Heading to the Dominican Republic Feb 21 - Feb 28
  4. Write a blog entry that reaches 1000 hits. (you all can help with this one) Pass this link on. Done (See the post here)
  5. Loose 10 pounds or more (Current weight 190 lbs) - I went the opposite way on this. I have gained a few lbs due to #6 below. But I am now eating less than 2000 calories a day, to get back down.
  6. Quit Smoking (Lots of people will like this one) - Done. 2 big months so far smoke free. I quit on November 25, 2010 and now the reason for gaining a few extra lbs.
  7. Watch more movies (take advantage of our theater) - We have been using it quite a bit more and usually have been spending Friday or Saturday night watching movies.
  8. Learn some French (Read another blog post to find out why
  9. Take more pictures with my DSLR.
  10. Start a family.
So there you have it, my POT list for the next year. 
So comment, pass on and enjoy and make your own POT list.
So five of the ten marked off so far is not too bad. I will be getting another tattoo. See the two options I have below and vote on the one you think I should get next.

Option 1Option 2

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